Who We Are

The 95th Rifles, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company (US) is a non-profit reenactment organization with the dual objectives of educating the public in the history of the Napoleonic Wars and reliving the life of the British riflemen in those wars.  The objectives serve to justify our studies and research in the 95th Rifles; and allow us to enjoy the challenges of soldier life in the early 19th Century.  We strive for a realistic historical impression in the context for health and safety.

The purpose of this web site is to provide historical information on the 95th Rifles, or as often called, the 95th Regiment of Foot (Rifles); to help our members communicate with each other, pass along research information and provide contact for reenacting events.

We welcome all those with an interest in this famous regiment to join us and enjoy our camaraderie and research.